Somalia Will Prevail In Maritime Boundary Dispute, Says Attorney General

Somalia Will Prevail In Maritime Boundary Dispute, Says Attorney General

Kenya and Somalia are in dispute over a potentially lucrative, triangular stretch of 100,000 square kilometres of offshore territory believed to contain large oil and gas deposits.

The country’s Attorney-General Ahmed Ali Dahir said on Monday that they have submitted a response in the maritime dispute case at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

The submission was made by the Somali ambassador to EU, Ali Said Fiqi as part of the bid to prove that the current sea boundary dispute with Kenya to resolve before the court.

Last year, Somalia won its bid to resolve a case over a maritime dispute before the ICJ.

Somalia wants the court to demarcate the maritime boundary, and to determine the exact geographical coordinates as an extension of its southern borders.

Kenya, on the other hand, wants the border to run in parallel along the line of latitude on its eastern border.

That gives Kenya the larger share of the maritime area and it had already sold mining licenses to international companies.

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