Somali leaders finalise roadmap on elections security, financing and delegates selection FacebookTwitterLinkedInMessengerWhatsAppEmailSMSMore

Somalia’s federal and state leaders have set out a new framework of elections as the country prepares for the lengthy Lower House elections which will culminate in the election of a new president in October.

Somalia’s federal and state leaders have set out a new framework of elections as the country prepares for the lengthy Lower House elections which will culminate in the election of a new president in October.

A communique from a two day meeting between the Prime Minister and Federal Member State presidents levelled out some of the sticky points including the selection of delegates, election budget and security.

Regarding the selection of delegates, the meeting assigned the role to clan elders who are in the Federal Government registry and civil society organisations representatives who must hail from the respective clans they will be selecting delegates from.

The list of delegates will be approved by the State Indirect Elections Team (SIET).

Each MP will be elected by 101 delegates meaning 27,775 electors will be casting their vote this year. This is double the number of those who participated in the 2016 round.

On the election budget, the National Consultative Council (NCC) resolved that the committee will comprise representatives from the regional government and the Office of the Prime Minister.

Funding for the committee will be released within 15 days after submission of the budget.

The elections security will be overseen by a team of ten police chiefs from the Somali Police Force, regional police, UNSOM, AMISOM and a representative from the Federal Indirect Elections Team (FIET).

The security teams will provide security for the elections with a special focus on Somaliland, Banaadiri and presidential elections.


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