Somali Army Continues Operation To Reopen Roads In Bay Region

Brigadier General Mohamed Sheikh Abdullahi, commander of the 60th Division of the Somali army, who spoke to Shabelle gave details about the operations in Bay region.

Brigadier General Mohamed Sheikh Abdullahi, commander of the 60th Division of the Somali army, who spoke to Shabelle gave details about the operations in Bay region.

Abdullahi said that the aim of the operation is to flush Al-Shabaab out of the entire region.

He also said the troops will double their activities to re-open the highways linking the towns of Baidoa and Hudur to Mogadishu, the Somali capital.

The statement comes as the government forces retake Goofgaduud Buurey in the Bay region from Al-Shabaab militants who briefly seized the control of the area on Monday.

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