HirShabelle Leader Opens Training For New Police Cadets In Jowhar

Hirshabelle President Mohamed Abdi Ware has today opened training for more than 200 new police cadets at Police Training Academy in Jowhar, becoming the third batch of police.

Hirshabelle President Mohamed Abdi Ware has today opened training for more than 200 new police cadets at Police Training Academy in Jowhar, becoming the third batch of police.

The inauguration ceremony was attended by the Speaker of Hirshabelle and his two deputies, parliamentarians, state police officers, AMISOM, and other dignitaries who were invited to the event.

Hirshabelle Minister of Security Mohamed Abdirahman Kheyre said in a speech that the ministry they are committed to rebuilding the police to enhance security.

Speaking at the event, Hirshabelle Parliament Speaker, Osman Barre, underscored the importance of the police force and how it is necessary to the restoration of law and order.

Hirshabelle President Mohamed Abdi Ware, who opened the training urged the incoming police officers to take advantage of the training to serve the community.

These troops are the third batch of the Hirshabelle Police Force and their training is sophisticated and will add to their skills for the police mission in securing the state.

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