Halima Aden Explains Why Somalia Needs Your Support

The country of Somalia means a lot to me. It's the home I never got to see, but feel so connected to. My family is from Somalia and my mother fled due to the civil war, which has been ongoing for decades. Although I was born in Kenya, I will always be a Somali first.

The country of Somalia means a lot to me. It’s the home I never got to see, but feel so connected to. My family is from Somalia and my mother fled due to the civil war, which has been ongoing for decades. Although I was born in Kenya, I will always be a Somali first.

My mother was the one who told me about the bombing that occurred in Mogadishu on October 14. A few weeks prior, she had just gotten back from Kismayo, a different city in Somalia. When we talked about her trip, she had so much hope and wanted to go back as soon as possible. She was absolutely devastated. My heart broke for the victims and their families.

Thankfully, my family is safe and were not in Modgishu. We checked in with family and friends and everyone is safe — but far from alright. We are still mourning for the hundreds of innocent lives lost. Those killed were people, not numbers. This was a horrible tragedy that affected Somalis around the world. It is the deadliest bombing in the country’s history. A lot of innocent lives were lost.

There was a lack of media coverage about the bombing, which was disheartening, but I’m grateful for all the people who have shown their support for Somalia.

France dimmed the lights on the Eiffel Tower to remember the victims, Turkey has shown support, as has Canada.

Tragedy is tragedy, no matter where it happens in the world. I think it’s important that we pray for all the victims. Show compassion to your Somali coworkers and neighbors.

You don’t know if that person just lost a parent, a friend, or their entire family. Teens have the power of reaching people an ocean away by simply using their social media to raise awareness. Your thoughts and prayers will let them know that they are not forgotten about.

I want the world to know that Somali people are resilient and will overcome this tragedy. I have always had hope for my country and I know this evil will not be how our chapter ends. Above all, I want people to know that Muslims are allies against terrorism — not the enemy.

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