Gunmen Carry Out Assassinations In Mogadishu

Gunmen Carry Out Assassinations In Mogadishu

Unidentified gunmen have killed at least two civilians, including an elder in the Somali capital Mogadishu on Wednesday evening, witnessed and Police said.

Suspected Al-Shabab members have killed Hassan Ali Ibrahim who took part in 2016 election as an electoral college while on his way home in Dharkeynley district.

Ibrahim was shot dead near his home after armed men approached him as he walked out of the mosque. The assailants managed to escape from the crime scene.

The security officials arrived at the scene shortly after the murder but failed to arrest the culprits.

Separately, a district official was killed in Mogadishu’s Howlwadag district.

The local authorities say they are investigating the two incidents and blamed Al Shabaab for being behind the rising assassinations in the capital.

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