Garissa Governor Ali Korane Condemns Al-Shabaab Attack On Bus

Garissa Governor Ali Korane has condemned the killing of two people by suspected al-Shabaab terrorists who attacked a bus belonging to Kilas company on Friday, September 14.

Garissa Governor Ali Korane has condemned the killing of two people by suspected al-Shabaab terrorists who attacked a bus belonging to Kilas company on Friday, September 14.

The county chief said the shooting of the two, a mechanic and passenger who were hauled out of the bus because they were nonnatives was a tactic by the militia group to breed animosity and create division.

Speaking during the launch of Horn of Africa eradication of polio in Garissa, Korane said ythe militants employed a tacting of isolating locals from non natives to create a notion that the latter were unwanted in the area which was untrue.

“The militants are trying to wage unnecessary disharmony among Kenyans based on faith and ethnicity. I was personally taught by teachers who were not natives of the community here. Every Kenyan has a right to reside everywhere irrespective of race, tribe and faith. We will not be fooled by these tactics,” said Korane.

He said Kenyans from other parts of the country were free and had the right to be part and parcel of North Eastern communities, saying working in unity would help them defeat the militia who were throwing their last kicks.

The terrorists intercepted the Kilas bus which was headed to Garissa town from Hulugho in Sebenal area.

According to eyewitnesses, eight militants armed with AK47 rifles emerged from a nearby thicket and trained their guns towards the bus, ordered the driver to halt and directed all passengers to descend and display their Identity cards.

“They identified three nonlocals and ordered them to recite some Quran verses. Only one was able to recite it and was spared. The two others were shot dead immediately,” one survivor narrated.

One of the deceased was mechanic of the bus and the other was a casual laborer at Masalani town.

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